Saturday, July 14, 2007

Like looking in a mirror...

Today I spent the afternoon in good ole Fullerton, California hanging out with my nephew Samuel Richard Dunn. Cute little guy. No Crocs, and yet Holly seems to think highly of him (it's nice that my girlfriend's appreciation of my one and only nephew is not conditional like that). The thing with Sam is that he is a spitting image of me when I was one year old. Biologically it makes sense, because he is the son of my twin sister Jessie, nevertheless, it is kinda weird thinking it is like a little me running around the house calling everything in sight "dadda." His blue eyes, his thin, blond hair, his intrigue for shoe laces...all the same. Concerning those shoe laces, he happened to exhibit the greatest length of attention span his parents have ever seen today whilst playing with my shoes. What they didn't notice was the spell I cast over him--uncleus captivatum--that made him stop playing with his Thomas the Train toy--stupid push train--and pay some attention to yours truly.

Anyway, a pretty cool day in all, even though as I write this I am wallowing in my own sweat--it's really hot here in at my parents house.

Well, I hope everyone has a great day. Here's to making this a thoroughly commented blog posting.


Holly Snyder Thompson said...

Excellent spell casting - you're catching on. Glad to hear Sam's taking a liking to his uncle.

erin said...

glad you blogged. hopefully we'll see more of the HHA report while holly is away - I've heard that a boy with more time on his hands can become quite cyber-prolific.

Sean said...

but i think the big question are his tibias looking? will they grow into ass-kicking form or will he be a mere mortal?